My Testimony
Sharing testimonies of what the Lord has done and is doing in my life and everyone who has a testimony willing to share with others their testimony. Testimonies range from salvation in Jesus Christ to the healing power of the Lord in our lives and anything in between. We are a community of believers in the Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Wanting to share in his goodness and show that our Lord is alive, and the Spirit is working in our lives! This is our Testimonies. I hope you can get a glimpse of the Lord I know and love and his majesty and might in the lives of His children. He wants to know you too. Come along side us and hear of the Lords goodness! He wants to be your Lord and Savior also!
My Testimony
Episode 4: Blessed Assurance
In this episode we get to hear of the blessed assurance found in the fruit of a life spent shining for Jesus and knowing through that fruit where that person is in heaven because fruit can show if you have the Holy Spirit or not. If you are unsure about that in your own life or the life of someone else, please feel free to email us we would love to talk with you.
Email me at mytestimonyofjesus1@gmail.com to share your testimony's. We would love to hear them and possibly request to have you on!
Also, you can share your prayer requests at the email above!