My Testimony
Sharing testimonies of what the Lord has done and is doing in my life and everyone who has a testimony willing to share with others their testimony. Testimonies range from salvation in Jesus Christ to the healing power of the Lord in our lives and anything in between. We are a community of believers in the Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Wanting to share in his goodness and show that our Lord is alive, and the Spirit is working in our lives! This is our Testimonies. I hope you can get a glimpse of the Lord I know and love and his majesty and might in the lives of His children. He wants to know you too. Come along side us and hear of the Lords goodness! He wants to be your Lord and Savior also!
My Testimony
Episode 11: Stepping Out in Faith
Hello Everyone and welcome back! I hope you have had a blessed few weeks! This podcast does have some feed back. That we tried to fix. We know that satan tries to stop testimonies like this from getting out so we have decided to post it anyway. If you listen to it at a lower volume it helps. Please enjoy the podcast and remember all glory be to God!
This podcast welcomes Jennifer Hagiu on and discusses what the Lord has been doing in her life and how God put a mission in her heart long ago but then years later she is seeing God move mountains for the ministry He has given her. She has a heart to build a ranch for victims of human traffickers. The Lord has been opening doors ever since she said yes to the desires He placed in her heart. Take a moment to listen to what God has been doing in her life.
If you are interested in buying the book she has written the link is below and some of the proceeds go to making this vision a reality!
Check us out at (3) My Testimony - YouTube
Email me at mytestimonyofjesus1@gmail.com to share your testimony's. We would love to hear them and possibly request to have you on!
Also, you can share your prayer requests at the email above!
Have a blessed week remembering what the Lord has done in your life and in others lives!