My Testimony
Sharing testimonies of what the Lord has done and is doing in my life and everyone who has a testimony willing to share with others their testimony. Testimonies range from salvation in Jesus Christ to the healing power of the Lord in our lives and anything in between. We are a community of believers in the Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Wanting to share in his goodness and show that our Lord is alive, and the Spirit is working in our lives! This is our Testimonies. I hope you can get a glimpse of the Lord I know and love and his majesty and might in the lives of His children. He wants to know you too. Come along side us and hear of the Lords goodness! He wants to be your Lord and Savior also!
My Testimony
Episode 12: Seventy Times Seven Through Christ Alone!
Mark Sowersby is the author of the book "Forgiving the Nightmare". A book about God's grace and forgiveness and Mark having access to that grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ his savior. Through Christ Mark was able to forgive his nightmare. Hearing how amazing God's power is to break the strongholds and to give forgiveness when it wasn't earned. We get to hear about the mighty hand of God and his abilities when we are seeking the Lord with all our heart and are obedient to him in everything including forgiving our enemies.
Here is his website
Here's his social media pages
https://www.facebook.com/forgivingthenightmare?mibextid=dGKdO6 (https://www.facebook.com/forgivingthenightmare?mibextid=dGKdO6)
https://www.instagram.com/forgiving§the§nightmare§/ (https://www.instagram.com/forgiving§the§nightmare§/)
If some one you know is needing rescued from an abuse situation you cn call the national number-
National child abuse hotline
Also you can contact your local law enforcement or state child abuse hotline to report abuse. If you or a loved one is needing counseling please seek out a Christian counselor or any counselor you have available to be able to leave a domestic violence relationship. If you or anyone you know needs help please step up and help them find the right resources to help rescue them .
Check us out at (3) My Testimony - YouTube
Email me at mytestimonyofjesus1@gmail.com to share your testimony's. We would love to hear them and possibly request to have you on!
Also, you can share your prayer requests at the email above!
Have a blessed week remembering what the Lord has done in your life and in others lives!